So, what is this? Just some lame stars? Nope. It's M45, the Pleiades! You can find the wiki article and some better pictures ->here<-
So, what went wrong? I can't use my telescope, i have to adjust the mirror, and the mount is damaged, and there are filters on the sensors of DSLR's that doesn't really allow me to photograph the nebular, that makes the Peiades look so good. How ever i posted a picture at the end of the blog entry, the pleiades are (from the center) to the north east, it's not very good, but at leas proves that i was "close". Please keep in mind that i turned this picture.
About yesterday:
I had the same thought. I think that's where the material gets into the mold, they could remove this, but they don't, maybe for blind people. :)
Kimbo: I think the one here is bigger, and maybe even better, cologne is better known for their carnival, also nuremberg is the birthplace of the "lebkuchen" ->wiki<- which are eaten all over germany during christmas... but i have to admit that we are sort of fighting with cologne over who got the better christmas-market.
Todays shoebox:

It's awesome that you have done such a good job with the stars! Very nicely done. They look great. We have a telescope, but I have so far not tried attaching my camera to it, although I keep meaning to. Now you have inspired me. Must add to near-top of to-do list!
AntwortenLöschenYour shoebox shot is great. Nice richness and depth of colour! Well done.
I tried to shoot stars once but I couldn't get the camera to focus. That was before I'd learnt to use the manual focus!!!
AntwortenLöschenI like the second photo. The colours are lovely and it's an out of the ordinary shot which appeals to me.
Have enjoyed your gallery a lot Wonderful variety and subjects. Years ago I was able to connect my film camera up to a huge telescope and get a full frame shot of the moon with fantastic detail! The detail amazed me, how fun you are bale to do this yourself!
AntwortenLöschenAha...I know this constellation as the Seven Sisters. I used to be very into astronomy and had a telescope when I was a teenager. I never tried hooking a camera up to it though.
AntwortenLöschenI love star shots and am also interested in astronomy though I don't have a telescope. I didn't know you could take pictures of stars by hooking the camera up to a telescope... nice to learn something new :)