;) Lets see who can guess what that object is.
Nelson: I guess you are right, to much people seem to take such discussions to a very personal level, if this happens a real discussion is not possible, and the whole thing gets dirty.
Today's picture from the shoebox is relatively new, you might have seen it in the low-key contest 09 some days ago. It got upgraded to a gold-medal yesterday. I made 5. place (i like to say 3. since the first 3 came from 1 person) but i feel a little bit bad about that, since i only got it because they haven't payed for their entry, i'm not complaining, i love to win, but i feel bad for the 2 other persons that took better pictures than i did but where downgraded, i guess those are the rules... My very first entry on W1k was disqualified because my picture was some kb's to big. I guess i just looking for excuses, but it's still is a very nice picture i took there. :) No this doesn't count as negative thought!

Haven't a clue what the mystery item is but it looks like something you'd find in a garage or workshop. I'm probably wrong but I'll guess at vice.
AntwortenLöschenThe second photo is great. Very well done on such a high placing.
Looks like a vice to me and you placed the goldish highlight hole correctly in the rule of thirds sweet spot.
AntwortenLöschenI love the lighting on your statue, it's really really good.
As for the placing, I don't worry re them anymore, if I'm happy with MY pic I feel good wherever I come. Of course a win is nice and an extra bonus (winks.)
Looks like the back of the barrel of a gun with a single bullet in it.
AntwortenLöschenLove that shoebox shot. Very nicely done and great lighting.
I have no idea what it could be - I do like the composition, with the shadows and splashes of light.
AntwortenLöschenI love the statue!
I too am guessing a vice grip or pipe wrench!