Day 30, bit late today, sorry, i was looking through my archive hdd, since there where no more pictures for my shoebox feature on my primary hdd, and i discovered tons of pictures there, that where lost or forgotten, i thought that i show you some of them today, 8 to be exact. And i also found the old pictures of my last girlfriend, made me sort of sad, and that's now 2 years in the past, i hope such things are normal. What ever, don't want to drag you good people down. I think i've done good job with my picture today, hope you also like it.
Somehow unbeliveable that it's already been 30 days and that only one day is left, i think i should keep this photo-blog for the future.
Lets start my shoebox frenzy.
(Sorry if it's a bit much today)
1: This is a crow (corvus corax) i have seen at the zoo it's leeching of the food the animals get there, i really like those birds, they always where living close to humans, and are part of many tales, songs and mythology, the crows Hugin and Munin for example where companions of of Odin, i could go on now about Barbarossa and other story's but i think that would be a little bit much.

2. A young lion at the zoo here in nuremberg, isn't he cute? :)

3. guess what... xD I think everyone took a picture like that at least once.

4. A rose. I took this picture on a workshop in tubingen germany, it was very rainy, i'm still happy that my camera survived this.

5. Also from tubingen, i found this on a half-timbered house in the city. Have i mentioned that my ex-girlfriend is from tubingen? I don't visit that city anymore. Ok ok i stop...

6. Airport nuremberg! People that where reading this blog on a regular basis know about that day. :)

7. I think i have never shown that one, i think it went in the trash, i couldn't remember why, but remembered the very instance i started working on it in adobe lightroom today. ;D

8. Also from tubingen - no comment!

Wow! you made it to the end of this enormous post! O.O Thanks for reading/viewing, i hope you enjoyed it! :)